Julie B.

After taking a new job, my life changed and I gained a few extra pounds. A few extra turned into 20 pounds. Work dominated my life and I felt like a miserable zombie living in a fog day to day. After an absolutely horrible dating experience, I started training at C1 Fit to prove to myself that I deserved a better life. It turned into a lifestyle, but it didn’t happen overnight. With persistence and motivation, I found a great balance of work and health in my life. Now I have a more productive day at work, higher energy and I actually get some great sleep now too. The loser from the bad date has since text me several times after seeing me out with a new friend. I’m happy, love my life, and I’m no longer a lonely zombie, all thanks to the coaches at C1 Fit. I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to live a happier and healthier life.

Erin A.

I went to a big box gym for 3 years and realized something was missing, results were nonexistent and motivation was low. A friend highly recommended C1 Fit, raving about their method of training and coaching experience. She was right, I’ve never been so excited to workout. Their philosophy of fitness being an ongoing way of life and not a destination really changed my life. I look good again, feel good, and I’m a happier person.

Kathy P.

When I first looked into starting a fitness program I tried a $10 a month gym. After a few months and little motivation, I gave up. I finally called C1 Fit and asked about a training program. After an assessment, I joined the Team Training and have loved every single minute. My personal goal was to fit into an old dress from an engagement party and I’m happy to say it now fits! My new goal is to stay healthy and be strong enough to move some landscaping stones to the back of the house. Thanks C1 Fit, I love Team Training and the new “me.”




“As a pastor, I had focused on caring for others, growing careless with regard to my own health. I got a wake-up call when a doctor friend offered to introduce me to his personal trainer. C1 Fitness has helped me to pay attention to diet and exercise so that by taking care of myself, I would have more to offer others. In four months, I’m down forty pounds. Now I’m being a better steward of my health, and having fun in the process!”



AFTER“I am a stay at home mother of two, Vice President of their School PTO, tennis player and wife. My days are full running from here to there.

I have always been active but never seeing the results. I never knew what my full potential was. Running 2 miles was difficult. The trainers at C1 Fitness pushed me to my full extent. Now I can run 6 miles with no problem!

The one noticeable difference is the way everyone cares. They (C1 Fitness Staff) really care about how you are doing. Other places just go through the routine and take their money, but not this Club. It feels like a family. All the trainers have done their part to help me. They are always there when I need them.

I could never have done this by myself. I reached my first goal with no problems and I am slowly working on my next one. They have paved the path and now it is up to me. But knowing they are standing behind me, pushing me, I know I will succeed with meeting my new goal!”


“I am a stay at home mom to three active children. With a milestone birthday coming up it made me realize I needed to improve my overall level of health and fitness.



Shortly after joining C1 Fitness, I was asked to participate in a “Biggest Loser” contest. Being of a competitive spirit, this was just the kick start I needed. I began a weight loss/fitness program that consisted of logging my food, regular exercise including weight training, and cardio.

With weight loss tips, personal training, and classes – I’ve lost 29 pounds, exceeding my goal. C1 Fitness really does focus on the individual. My program was specifically tailored to meet my needs and goals. My progress was monitored regularly by the staff who are always encouraging.

Another key component of my success is the MEMBERS. Everyone is so friendly and encouraging. As cliche as it sounds, the Staff and members at C1 Fitness really are like family.”